We Love Bully Breeds.

So We Don't Want to See Them Homeless or Euthanized.

Because bully breeds have such large litters (sometimes up to 14 puppies), they face housing discrimination, spend the longest time in shelters and are the dogs most often euthanized, we are making Operation Pit Stop available in several communities to help put an end to overpopulation. As important to putting an end to accidental litters, spaying or neutering will help your bully pup live a longer, healthier life!

Thousands of bully breed puppies and adults are euthanized in shelters each week and many languish in cages and others are   unwanted and unloved strays. We want to stop this cycle of suffering and death, and eliminate unplanned and unwanted puppies from ever happening in the first place. So, if you are a bully breed owner, we encourage you to do the right thing for your pup. shelter pups – and for your community, by gettomg your dog spayed or neutered. We’ll even do it for FREE, and provide updated vaccinations as well.

Operation Pit Stop is a free spay/neuter program sponsored by the nonprofit rescue groups Wings of Rescue and Friends of Miami Animals Foundation. In partnership with local shelters, Operation Pit Stop typically operates during a one- or two-month period, scheduling as many spay or neuter procedures as possible in the time allotted.

We are currently scheduling a series of Operation Pit Stops for later this summer. Please check back soon for specific event locations and information.

Please don't contribute to bull breed overpopulation.

We know bully breed owners love their pets. Sometimes that love leads to a decision to breed those pets or to leave males “intact” and females unsterilized and leading to unwanted pregnancies. Breeding your dog or leaving them vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies isn’t showing love for your pet, it’s putting each puppy at risk for a hard life. Many of the pitty mixes and pit bulls that show up at local shelters started out being wanted and the result of good intentions. Regardless of how they end up in a shelter, once they do, life is very uncertain and many end up euthanized or abandoned on the street.

How Operation Pit Stop Works

It’s simple and easy. You can register for a free spay or neuter procedure by following the links below. Appointments are limited and services are available on a first come, first served basis. Once a time is confirmed, a shelter representative will reach out and send the specifics about event location, preparation process, pick-up and drop-off time and anything else you need to know. We will need to collect personal information like your address and telephone number and email, but that information will only be used by the Operation Pit Stop team and will not be shared with any other agencies.

Here the hard-working veterinarians and incredible support teams in Tulsa are off to a fantastic start this summer at a special hospital set up just for Operation Pit Stop. Bully-breed dogs are in good hands with this amazing crew. Please join us!

Check Out This Video from Hockey Superstar Victor Hedman!

Victor, who plays for the Tampa Bay Lightning, is a superstar on the ice and with his dog, too. He knows the value of having your pet spayed or neutered, and encourages all bully-breed owners to take advantage of Operation Pit Stop to have their dog spayed or neutered for FREE!

Check back soon for updated information!

Here's a Great Chart with Some of the Reasons
Why it is a Good Idea to Spay or Neuter ALL Pets!
From Our Friends at IndyHumane!